Author Archives: Hi Tech Hui

Understanding the Recent Windows and CrowdStrike Compatibility Issues: What You Need to Know

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, staying informed about the latest developments is crucial. Recently, [...]

Revolutionizing Content Creation with AI: How to Embrace the Future Responsibly

AI-generated content is transforming the way businesses approach content creation and marketing. With today’s advancements, [...]

Ransomware Attacks on the Rise: Why Businesses Are Paying the Ransom

A small retail business was hit by a ransomware attack. Cybercriminals encrypted their critical data [...]

Strengthening Your Business’s Security: Best Practices for Password Protection

The Top Password Mistakes Business Owners Make Make sure that you aren’t falling into these [...]

Using Technology to Work More Effectively

The pandemic has changed the way people work and collaborate. Since the rise of the [...]

Microsoft Outlook Video Update: Simplifying Video Sharing for Business Owners

Microsoft Outlook’s latest update solves one of the most common email challenges businesses face: video [...]

Protecting Your Business from Cyber Threats: The Importance of Cybersecurity Training

As the digital world grows, businesses face more cybersecurity threats. Unfortunately, these can cause significant [...]

The Growing Trend of Telegram as a Marketplace for Phishing Tools and Services

Cybercrime is becoming increasingly common as businesses continue to rely on technology to conduct their [...]

Why Small Businesses Need a Website

You might wonder if maintaining a website is worthwhile. You can still operate your business [...]

Securing Your Online Collaboration: The Future of Workspace Protection

Keeping Our Online Workspaces Safe With New Security Tools  Keeping online workspaces safe is the [...]